Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wow! Time has flown by!

So, huge apologies for the gigantic delay in my posts. As you all should know, baby Sullivan decided to come almost a month early, on December 10th at 1:47pm. So needless to say, we've been a little busy around here! We weren't exactly all the way unpacked so he was lucky to have any furniture in his room. We actually finished building his furniture two days before he arrived! I plan on backtracking a bit to fill everyone in on the details (ok, not ALL the details) and to post lots of pictures of him when I get more time. I just didn't want everyone to think we'd disappeared! All three of us are just trying to figure out this baby thing a day at a time, so we'll get better at updating and posting. Hopefully most of you are able to follow through Facebook or our individual texts. :) Love you all!
Mr. Sullivan James Fall

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So much to catch up on!

OK, so I've been terrible at updating this lately! I apologize. With us buying a house and moving up north of Denver, it's been a little crazy around here. I'll try to post a few pictures of our last couple of months so you can all see a bit of our lives recently:

First off, we managed to squeeze in a trip to the lake with friends during October, before things got too hectic. It will probably be our last trip :( until the new addition is here since I don't want to get stranded up there in bad weather and go into labor. Here is the baby belly at the lake! (28 weeks)

After that we closed on our new house on Halloween. That's when chaos ensued! :) I may have overdone it a bit by being on my feet too much, but I can't stand having boxes everywhere. However, we managed to get settled fairly quickly and are just trying to finish up some final boxes and get to work on the baby's room. So far, the crib is set up but we have yet to purchase the rest of the furniture. We will get there eventually...
Here are some photos of the new house:

On to baby news, all seems well so far. Baby is growing well and is an incredible kicker. My ribs are taking a beating! My mom says it's payback because I did the same to her, so I guess that means he's a smart kid. :) The baby shower was held last weekend by Mike's sister Laney and her husband Joel. It was a great time just getting together with our friends and families and I couldn't have asked for a better shower. My stepmom Deb and aunt Roxanne flew in for the event and my best friend Heather and her daughter made the long drive as well. It was a great time!! I will have to post some pictures soon! Here is the current belly photo, at 34 weeks:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Bump @ 25 weeks

Getting bigger and bigger every day, it seems! I find it surprising that some people still can't tell (or don't want to ask) if I'm pregnant because I sure feel huge. That's OK,  I'm not a fan of random people touching my belly so it's better to just leave them in the dark. :) I seem to be gaining the right amount of weight, not too little and not too much, so I must be doing something right. We'll see what the next 3 months have in store...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 24 doctor update

Not much new to report on the baby front, which is a good thing I think! We had a check-up yesterday and all was good. I didn't get in trouble this time for losing weight, at least. I actually gained more than I thought, but the doctor didn't seem concerned and I'm still in the healthy weight gain range, so I'm not too worried. It was a very quick appointment but we did get to hear Baby Boy's heartbeat again and it sounded loud and strong! I will post another "baby bump" picture once I feel photogenic enough to take one, haha!

I've been working on putting together a list for everything we need for his arrival (3 months!) but haven't actually gotten around to actually purchasing anything yet. Well, I did break down and buy a couple onesies and we got an adorable Broncos onesie, but who's counting? I think I'm addicted to this little "virtual shopping" thing...

We do have some other big news to report however. After over two years in business, we have decided to close the gallery. I had big plans of taking only a month off when the baby arrives and then bringing him with me to work, but we've decided it's in all of our best interests to close now instead. It really has been a relief to not have to constantly worry about planning the next show, then the next and so on. I think it will really be a benefit in these last few months of pregnancy to not have that weighing on me as well. I will be keeping the website going and hope to sell from it in the meantime, along with continuing doing freelance graphic design. Someday we'd like to reopen the gallery with more focus on the retail aspect and less on artwork and probably in a new location. We will see what the future holds for us, I guess! Thank you all so much for your support and help these past couple years, we couldn't have done it without you!

We will continue to keep you all updated on all of the happenings in our neck of the woods. You know us, why just do one thing when you can do several stressful things all at the same time?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And now for the "up" on our emotional rollercoaster this week

After having such a sad day on Monday, we went to our scheduled ultrasound appointment on Tuesday, hoping for some good news. And we got it!! Baby Fall's measurements are looking normal. That's what we like to hear! And.....drumroll please....IT'S A BOY!!! Oh man. I'm going to be outnumbered. Time to start narrowing down the names and working on the registry! Guess I'd better register for some Broncos gear now, huh?

Saying goodbye to our best friend

This has to be one of the hardest things I have had to write. We had to say goodbye to Kismet the Cat this past Monday and it has absolutely broken our hearts. She lost her battle with kidney disease after being such a trooper for almost 3 years since being diagnosed. What a great kitty she was, acting like a kitten instead of a 12 year old almost up until the end. We can't thank you all enough for all the love and support you've given her and us over the years. We are so happy to have had her for as long as we did. She was our best buddy in the whole world and we can't wait to see her again someday.

Baby Bump @ 20 weeks

It's getting much more difficult to get dressed in the morning! But we're halfway there, whoo-hoo!