Sunday, November 27, 2011

So much to catch up on!

OK, so I've been terrible at updating this lately! I apologize. With us buying a house and moving up north of Denver, it's been a little crazy around here. I'll try to post a few pictures of our last couple of months so you can all see a bit of our lives recently:

First off, we managed to squeeze in a trip to the lake with friends during October, before things got too hectic. It will probably be our last trip :( until the new addition is here since I don't want to get stranded up there in bad weather and go into labor. Here is the baby belly at the lake! (28 weeks)

After that we closed on our new house on Halloween. That's when chaos ensued! :) I may have overdone it a bit by being on my feet too much, but I can't stand having boxes everywhere. However, we managed to get settled fairly quickly and are just trying to finish up some final boxes and get to work on the baby's room. So far, the crib is set up but we have yet to purchase the rest of the furniture. We will get there eventually...
Here are some photos of the new house:

On to baby news, all seems well so far. Baby is growing well and is an incredible kicker. My ribs are taking a beating! My mom says it's payback because I did the same to her, so I guess that means he's a smart kid. :) The baby shower was held last weekend by Mike's sister Laney and her husband Joel. It was a great time just getting together with our friends and families and I couldn't have asked for a better shower. My stepmom Deb and aunt Roxanne flew in for the event and my best friend Heather and her daughter made the long drive as well. It was a great time!! I will have to post some pictures soon! Here is the current belly photo, at 34 weeks:

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