Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I think I'm nesting

I finally was able to get to a project I've been putting off for a long time! While Mike was out of town on a bachelor party trip, I made this quilt out of his old shirts and an old bedsheet. It wasn't nearly as easy as the instructions made it sound ("super-easy" my @#$!!) but I was able to finish it in a few days. It turned out really well, if I do say so myself. Just don't look too close! I know it looks like it's for a boy, but we still don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl. Mike just doesn't wear a whole lot of pink! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yesterday's Doctor Visit

Mike and I met our new doctor yesterday and it went really well! She was incredibly nice and patient, answering whatever questions Mike & I could come up with. Of course, when I got home, I thought of a few more questions I had, but they'll have to wait until next time. We didn't do another ultrasound, but we did get to hear the heartbeat again through Doppler. Once the doctor was able to hunt down Baby Fall, the heartbeat was loud and clear. That little guy/girl doesn't like to stay still!

Our next appointment is just some more bloodwork and tests, and THEN we do another ultrasound mid-August and get to find out if it's a boy or a girl. We can't wait! Mike is leaning one way and I'm leaning the other, so either way, one of us is right. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Still playing catch-up

I'm getting closer to being caught up to the present, yay! Our last doctor appointment was on June 28th at 12 weeks and 3 days. We were able to see the baby jumping around like a little jellybean and trying to suck his/her thumbs. We were able to get some great ultrasound pictures as well, and now it looks like there's a real baby in there, instead of a gummy bear. According to one of the pictures, it's a boy, but I'm pretty sure that's just a leg.  :)  We probably won't be able to find out the gender until 20 weeks, which seems like a really long time from now!

Mike and I are doing great as well. I've been feeling pretty good so far and hope that continues. I'm mostly just tired and hungry all the time. Hopefully I've avoided morning-sickness since I'm almost into my 2nd trimester, but I'm still I'm going to jinx myself, so knock on wood! Mike has been feeling fine too, haha! He's just having to adjust to me falling asleep at 9pm and constantly wanting to eat everything. Luckily I've only gained a couple pounds so far, so I must be doing something right. I did have to break out my "expand-a-pants" rubber band the other day, but most of my clothes still fit fine. Mike's been a great support for me and we're both getting so excited!

Our next appointment is this Tuesday, July 12th where we will be meeting our new doctor. Our last one only sees patients for the first trimester, so it's on to the next. I hope we like her!

Here's Baby Fall at 12 weeks:
That's a leg!

Baby heartrate is 162 bpm, so cute to hear!

No, we're not having an alien.

Baby Fall trying to suck both thumbs