Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skipping back a few weeks...

Since we chose to keep quiet on the baby front for awhile, I'm having to do a little rewind in my blog. Please bear with me, by the way, on my blogging abilities! This is my first try and I have to admit it feels a little weird to be writing about ourselves. But I thought this would be a great way to share our experience with our family and friends that live far away, so here goes...

Mike & I found out I was pregnant in early May. Our first doctor's appointment wasn't scheduled until after my 7th week, which came out to be June 1st. Needless to say, we were on pins and needles waiting for the appointment! Finally it arrived and we got to see our very first pictures of Baby Fall and got to hear the heartbeat as well. What a relief! We knew we still weren't out of the woods and were still very early on in the pregnancy, so we tried our hardest to keep our little secret, as much as we wanted to blurt it out to everyone.

Here is the very first Baby Fall portrait at 8 weeks and 4 days. Our doctor refers to this stage as the "Gummy Bear" stage and we agreed!


  1. Staci,

    I am not sure I can keep up with another place to find out what's up, but I will try. I could only read about the rewind part and not the latest news. Am I missing something? - Poppalooski Fall

  2. Hi Rick!
    I actually just put the most recent update on the blog today, so nope, you're not missing anything. I just had to put it off until after First Friday and the holiday. It is easiest for us to keep all of our long-distance family and friends updated at the same time this way (I hope) so I will get and stay caught up! Love, Staci
