Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wow! Time has flown by!

So, huge apologies for the gigantic delay in my posts. As you all should know, baby Sullivan decided to come almost a month early, on December 10th at 1:47pm. So needless to say, we've been a little busy around here! We weren't exactly all the way unpacked so he was lucky to have any furniture in his room. We actually finished building his furniture two days before he arrived! I plan on backtracking a bit to fill everyone in on the details (ok, not ALL the details) and to post lots of pictures of him when I get more time. I just didn't want everyone to think we'd disappeared! All three of us are just trying to figure out this baby thing a day at a time, so we'll get better at updating and posting. Hopefully most of you are able to follow through Facebook or our individual texts. :) Love you all!
Mr. Sullivan James Fall